Lukáš Hozda

renaissance man

Jun 10, 2024

Building this website

Imagine - if you will - the most curious thing at all. A man, a beast perhaps, absolute unit in scottish vernacular, who has two wolves inside him.

One wolf says: “You avoid everything bloated and mainstream, and have no issues using exploring and using cursed ancient tools.”

The other says: “Try the cool new thing, bro. B-)”

These are two streams that rarely meet, but once upon a time, I do in fact get an idea for a really good project that can serve as an outlet to my tendencies.

And so, after many years of experimentation, I once again have a website.

This is the third one. We can devide the main eras by which domain I predominantly used:

As you can see, there is a trend for shorter and shorter domain names. Am I getting lazy typing a URL?

Each of these has been an absolute technological marvel.

This is the oldest one, and it ran 2014-2016-ish. The most initial version predated my usage of Rust, but very soon, I wanted things to be interactive.

Sadly, I had to let go of the domain as it was too expensive for my teenage self.

The website ran on an old Raspberry Pi stuck into an outlet in my room. Here comes the fun part - no ethernet access in our room, and the distribution I was using at the time (some mad individuals published 32-bit Arch Linux), did not come with wpa_supplicant pre-installed.i Didn’t have WiFi either, I used a dongle.

This meant that I had to get things right by doing manual installation. That required several laps of doing the following:

There were instances of missing libraries, and such, for the things I needed to run. But eventually, I got it working, and had my very own “home server”.

A server, that I had to cover with something because the constantly blinking LEDs made it difficult to sleep.

My first website was an unnecessarily dynamic one. It is a case of ancient Rust. This is the latest version of that implementation that I found:


extern crate ansi_term;
extern crate comrak;
extern crate light_pencil;

extern crate lazy_static;

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::read_dir;
use std::io;
use std::sync::{Mutex, RwLock};
use std::time::SystemTime;

use ansi_term::Colour::{Blue, Green};
use light_pencil::{Pencil, Request};

mod util;

use util::{markdown_page, stylus};

// site w/ sidebar
macro_rules! md {
    ($lit:expr) => {
        Box::new(move |_: &mut Request| {
            markdown_page($lit, TEMPLATE)

// site w/out sidebar
macro_rules! raw_md {
    ($lit:expr) => {
        Box::new(move |_: &mut Request| {
            markdown_page($lit, RAW_TEMPLATE)

// stylus stylesheet
macro_rules! styl {
    ($lit:expr) => {
        Box::new(move |_: &mut Request| stylus($lit))

static RAW_TEMPLATE: &'static str =
static TEMPLATE: &'static str = include_str!("../template.html");

lazy_static! {
    static ref STYLUS_CACHE: Mutex<HashMap<String, (String, SystemTime)>> =
    static ref PAGE_CACHE: Mutex<HashMap<String, (String, SystemTime)>> =
    static ref NAME_CACHE: RwLock<Vec<String>> =

fn main() {
    let mut app = Pencil::new("web");

    app.get("/", "index", md!("index"));

    app.before_request(|request| {
            " {} {} from {}",

        'dir_loop: for (name, ext) in read_dir("web")
            .filter(|x| x.file_type().unwrap().is_file())
            .map(|x| x.path())
            .map(|x| {
                    x.file_stem().map(|s| s.to_owned()),
                    x.extension().map(|s| s.to_owned()),
            .filter(|(s, e)| s.is_some() && e.is_some())
            .map(|(f, e)| {
                    f.unwrap().to_str().map(|s| s.to_owned()),
                    e.unwrap().to_str().map(|s| s.to_owned()),
            .map(|(f, e)| (f.unwrap(), e.unwrap()))
            'read_scope: {
                let list =;

                if list.contains(&name) {
                    continue 'dir_loop;

            'write_scope: {
                let mut list = NAME_CACHE.write().unwrap();
                let name_clone = name.clone();

                match ext.as_ref() {
                    "md" =>
                        "/".to_string() + &name,
                    "rmd" =>
                        "/".to_string() + &name,
                    "styl" =>
                        "/".to_string() + &name + ".css",
                        &(name.clone() + ".styl"),
                    _ => (),

For the sake of completeness, this is how the stylus and markdown functions looked like:

use std::io::Read;
use std::process::Command;
use std::fs::{File, metadata};

use light_pencil::{Response, PencilResult};
use comrak::{ComrakOptions, markdown_to_html};


pub fn markdown_page(name: &str, template: &str) -> PencilResult
	let mut page_cache = PAGE_CACHE.lock().unwrap();
	let ext = if template == RAW_TEMPLATE { "rmd" } else { "md" };
	let body = if page_cache.contains_key(&format!("web/{}.{}", name, ext))
		let p = format!("web/{}.{}", name, ext);
		let metadata = match metadata(&p) { Ok(m) => m, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };
		let date = match metadata.modified() { Ok(d) => d, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };

		let entry = match page_cache.get_mut(&p)
			Some(e) => e,
			None => unreachable!(),

		if entry.1 == date
			let mut f = match File::open(&p) { Ok(f) => f, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };
			let mut tmp_str = String::new();
			match f.read_to_string(&mut tmp_str)
				Ok(_) =>
					entry.0 = markdown_to_html(&tmp_str, &ComrakOptions::default());
					entry.1 = date;
				Err(_) => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); }
		let p = format!("web/{}.{}", name, ext);
		let metadata = match metadata(&p)  { Ok(m) => m, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };
		let date = match metadata.modified() { Ok(d) => d, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };

		let mut f = match File::open(&p) { Ok(f) => f, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };
		let mut tmp_str = String::new();

		if f.read_to_string(&mut tmp_str).is_err()
			{return Ok(Response::from("404"));}

		let s = markdown_to_html(&tmp_str, &ComrakOptions::default());
		page_cache.insert(p, (s.clone(), date.clone()));
	let contents = template.replace("<contents/>", body.as_ref());

pub fn stylus(name: &str) -> PencilResult {
	let mut stylus_cache = STYLUS_CACHE.lock().unwrap();
	let p = format!("web/{}.styl", name);
	let body = if stylus_cache.contains_key(&format!("web/{}.styl", name))
		let metadata = match metadata(&p) { Ok(m) => m, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };
		let date = match metadata.modified() { Ok(d) => d, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };

		let entry = match stylus_cache.get_mut(&p)
			Some(e) => e,
			None => unreachable!(),

		if entry.1 == date
			let mut f = match File::open(&p) { Ok(f) => f, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };
			let mut tmp_str = String::new();
			match f.read_to_string(&mut tmp_str)
				Ok(_) =>
					entry.0 = std::str::from_utf8(&Command::new("stylus")
							.expect("can't start stylus, is it installed?").stdout)
						.expect("couldn't convert stylus to CSS").to_string();
					entry.1 = date;
				Err(_) => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); }
		let metadata = match metadata(&p)  { Ok(m) => m, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };
		let date = match metadata.modified() { Ok(d) => d, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };

		let mut f = match File::open(&p) { Ok(f) => f, _ => { return Ok(Response::from("404")); } };
		let mut tmp_str = String::new();

		if f.read_to_string(&mut tmp_str).is_err()
			{return Ok(Response::from("404"));}

		let s = std::str::from_utf8(&Command::new("stylus")
				.expect("can't start stylus, is it installed?").stdout)
			.expect("couldn't convert stylus to CSS").to_string();
		stylus_cache.insert(p, (s.clone(), date.clone()));
	let mut res = Response::from(body);

You may be wondering - why the caching? The reason is quite simple. This code originally used the markdown crate. At the time of that website, this crate was extremely slow. How slow?

On my Raspberry Pi, rendering a 49-line markdown file took almost 20 seconds. Longer files, such as the actual articles could take over a minute.

This led me to a pretty bad solution - cache the results on the first request, and be the first client after startup to bite the bullet, and wait the long times for everything.

One important thing to note is that this implementation predates async/await in Rust, and so it uses my lightweight fork of then semi-popular pencil framework, which is synchronous, like most of the Rust frameworks from that time.

Advancing on the autism spectrum - V2

This website was full of hacks, and raw html to make up for missing functionality. There was also absolutely no reason for it to be a dynamic app, when all it was doing was serving static content. As a matter of fact, there was no Javascript at all.

During this time, I started noticing the popularity of static site generators. In particular, the generator now known as zola was gaining popularity.

So naturally, I chose something completely different for the V2 of my website. I found an old, abandoned SSG called mdblog, and I forked, fixing many of its outstanding issues, making improvements, and, in my classic fashion, deleting about half of it. I named my fork morpho.

The two SSGs are different enough that websites are not cross-compatible.

During this time, I also wrote a different SSG, which I called hyper-rat.

extern crate fs_extra;
extern crate pulldown_cmark;
extern crate ramhorns;
extern crate regex;
extern crate toml;
extern crate die;

use fs_extra::dir;
use pulldown_cmark::{html, Parser};
use ramhorns::{Ramhorns, Template};
use regex::{Captures, Regex};

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::{create_dir_all, read_dir, read_to_string, write};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

static TEMPLATE: &str = "{{{body}}}";

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let content_regex = Regex::new(
        r#"\[\[(?P<content>(((\.\.?/)|([.a-zA-Z0-9_/\-\\]))+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?))(?P<template> +(((\.\.?/)|([.a-zA-Z0-9_/\-\\]))+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?))?\]\]"#,
    let mut template_cache = HashMap::new();
        .insert("base".to_string(), Template::new(TEMPLATE)?);

    let template_files = read_dir("theme")?
        .filter_map(|x| x.ok())
        .map(|x| x.path())
        .filter(|x| x.is_file())

    let mut templates = Ramhorns::from_folder("theme")?;

    dir::copy("media", "build/", &{
        let mut c = dir::CopyOptions::new();
        c.overwrite = true;
    dir::copy("theme/static", "build/", &{
        let mut c = dir::CopyOptions::new();
        c.overwrite = true;

    template_files.iter().for_each(|path| {
        let tpl = templates

        if let Err(e) = tpl.render_to_file(
        ) {
            die!("failed to render to file: {}", e);

    let built = read_dir("build")?
        .filter_map(|x| x.ok().map(|x| x.path()))
        .filter(|x| x.is_file())

        .map(|x| (x, read_to_string(x)))
        .filter_map(|x| if let (n, Ok(s)) = x { Some((n, s)) } else { None })
        .for_each(|(path, contents)| {
            let processed = content_regex.replace_all(&contents, |caps: &Captures| {
                let path = Path::new(&caps["content"]);
                let mut files = match path {
                    p if !p.exists() => die!("path does not exist: {}", p.display()),
                    p if p.is_file() => vec![p.to_owned()],
                    p if p.is_dir() => read_dir(p)
                        .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
                            die!("could not read directory {}", p.display())
                        .filter_map(|x| x.ok().map(|x| dbg!(x.path())))
                        .filter(|x| dbg!(x.is_file()) && dbg!(x.to_str().unwrap_or_default().ends_with(".md")))
                        .inspect(|x| {dbg!(x);})
                    p => die!("invalid path: {}", p.display()),



                let mut s = String::new();

                println!("{}", caps.len());
                for f in files {
                    let content = match read_to_string(dbg!(f)) {
                        Ok(s) => s,
                        Err(e) => die!("failed to read file {}: {}", path.display(), e),

                    let tpl_name = caps
                        .map(|x| x.as_str().trim())

                    let (head, body);
                    let v: Vec<&str> = content.splitn(2, "\n\n").collect();

                    match v.len() {
                        1 => {
                            body = v[0].trim();
                            head = "".to_string();
                        _ => {
                            head = v[0].trim().to_string();
                            body = v[1].trim();

                    let body = {
                        let mut h = String::new();
                        html::push_html(&mut h, Parser::new(&body));

                    let data = match toml::from_str::<HashMap<String, String>>(&head) {
                        Ok(mut s) => {
                            s.insert("body".into(), body.into());
                        Err(_) => {
                            let mut h = HashMap::new();
                            h.insert("body".into(), body.into());

                    let tpl =
                        template_cache.entry(tpl_name.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
                            match read_to_string(&tpl_name) {
                                Ok(s) => Template::new(s)
                                    .unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("template suck")),
                                Err(e) => die!(
                                    "failed to make template from file {}: {}",



            if let Err(e) = write(path, processed.to_string()) {
                die!("failed to write to file {}: {}", path.display(), e);


This is its complete source-code. Once again, notice that there are some old Rust idioms, such as extern crate declarations for all dependencies. These are no longer necessary in contemporary Rust.

This one

The current website is a complete pivot. I saw Fireship’s video on AstroJS and figured I could try setting it up with Bun. Well, I could. As a result, we have the most complicated file structure so far:

├── astro.config.mjs
├── bun.lockb
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── favicon.svg
│   └── _finsko.jpg
├── src
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── BaseHead.astro
│   │   ├── FormattedDate.astro
│   │   └── Header.astro
│   ├── consts.ts
│   ├── content
│   │   ├── b
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └── _finsko.jpg
│   │   └── config.ts
│   ├── env.d.ts
│   ├── layouts
│   │   └── BlogPost.astro
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── b
│   │   │   └── [...slug].astro
│   │   └── index.astro
│   └── styles
│       ├── font
│       ├── global.css
│       └── src
│           └── env.d.ts
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock

22 directories, 47 files

To me, the result is essentially the same. It outputs static HTML. However, I did gain a live reload when editing, which is nice.

I will probably clean this up and make it open-source.

Just like the two previous ones, the content of this website is written in Markdown. Technically speaking, the usage of MDX should introduce additional features such as letting me use various JS frameworks’ components inside these markdown files, but I don’t think I will ever use it.

Just like with the previous iterations, the theme of this one is minimalism.

This time, I opted to add some minor visual flare:

This website is not based on any template, it is a very minor amount of CSS, just to make sure it kinda works. I tested it on Firefox desktop. Who knows:)

It is likely that I will rewrite the website again in something more Rust-adjacent, or some other, probably a more obscure, language. One of my Finnish friends has his whole website in Lua. Imagine that.